Sometimes deeds have mistakes in them; other times land has been sold off from the parent tract leaving a deed that describes what the property used to look like instead of its current configuration. A proper map of a land survey will show what your property looks like now.

Why have your land surveyed?      

​If the land surveyor finds no substantial problems concerning your property's boundaries, then a Report of Survey may be all you need. It is important for you to be able to show who marked your lines in case your neighbor disputes these lines. A map or plat of survey is recommended if you are subdividing your property, if the boundaries as determined by the land surveyor are different from what your deed calls for, if there are encroachments by neighboring improvements, or if you wish to have this map so as to make more clear what is yours when having discussions with others about your property. Mapping requirements as set forth by the Board of Examiners are quite stringent, and a map of survey must satisfy all these requirements. A report of a land survey is therefore normally less expensive due to simplicity of the final written work.

    As soon as possible.  Having a land surveyor find your corners, mark your lines, and either issue a report of survey or prepare a map can prevent or identify problems before they become expenses. Having property surveyed before you buy it can give you an accurate computation of area often not possible from ancient deeds, and you might discover that the property is worth more or less than you would otherwise expected.

Do I need a map of survey or just a report? 

To protect your interests and limit your liabilities. If your lines and corners are marked, you and your neighbors both know where they are. If your corners are gone or you just can't find them, you or your neighbors might make false assumptions which could come back later to bite you. A survey of your property which includes having the lines staked every 100 to 200 feet makes it possible for you to know where your lines are when you can't see from corner to corner.  Some old deeds overstate the area of your property, and so you could be paying more in taxes than you should based on erroneous numbers.  

Why would my deed not describe my property boundaries correctly? 

​​​​​​​​​          When should you have your property surveyed?